

“Amen” is more than just a nice word to signal to others that a confession or a prayer is over. It is a word frequently found in the Scriptures, often in the context of covenants, to pledge one’s personal agreement to the truth of what is said (or prayed). Jesus says this word a lot, but it’s usually translated this way: “Truly, truly (Amen, amen), I say to you…” From him, it has the emphatic force equivalent to the declaration, found throughout the Old Testament, “Thus says the Lord…” With this word, attention is called to the truth as God’s truth, which should hold the highest significance for all people. This word is the final word in the Scriptures (Revelation 22:21); God’s revelation is given so that we might respond with faith. This whole world, and especially humanity, is meant to be one big “amen” to the glorious truth of who God is. But sinners disbelieve God’s truth, which is at the heart of what’s wrong with us all. When sinners start believing God’s truth, the world is being set back right.

Jesus is the only human who is in complete personal agreement with God’s truth, who fully says, “Yes” to God’s revelation and covenant. And he does so on our behalf, vicariously. “All the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Jesus Christ is the True Believer; his faith is our life with God. Believers resonate on his frequency, so to speak. Because he believes God’s truth, we may believe it also. In Christ, and only in Christ, do we pledge our personal agreement to God’s truth. With Christ, we profess and proclaim the Gospel, commending it for the faith of others. The Apostles’ Creed opens with the words, “I believe,” and closes with, “amen,” framing our confession in terms greater than mere intellectual assent—in terms of personal trust and allegiance. The whole world must resound with the “Amen” of redeemed humanity in Jesus Christ. It will mean the renewal of all things in right relationship to God. “Amen!

How is creation meant to be an “amen” to God? Why would God bother to give us his Word—to give us his very own Son—in order to evoke an “amen” from us? Do you resonate with God’s truth? Do you profess your faith (and pray) publicly? Do you seal your profession (and prayers) with an “amen”? If so, why do you do this? What significance does this word have to you, if any? Does it have the same significance for you that it does when Jesus says it? What are the similarities/differences? Will there ever be a time when you are in complete personal agreement with God’s truth? When? Why? And what will that be like?

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